Dynamic Relationship Marketing Simplified

I remember the first time I was introduced to the concept of dynamic relationship marketing, I thought to myself “man, that is just too complicated to make a few extra sales.” Over the past few years, however, the Internet has evolved even more. It has become a place where you simply can’t get prospects to take action on a regular basis without it. Sure, you can make a few sales on some low-end product offerings or affiliate offers, but unless you build a relationship with your list, it is simply noneffective to send the same emails and offers to everyone on your list at the same time. What I am going to show you here is a way to dynamically engage with your prospects and customers in a way that has proven very successful and I hope that you will walk away with a better understanding upon completion of this article.


What is Dynamic Relationship Marketing?

Dynamic Relationship Marketing

Dynamic Relationship Marketing diagram

Dynamic Relationship Marketing, simply explained, is the utilization of systems to bring a lead to a prospect to a customer in a completely automated fashion. So how do we do that, you ask? Let’s demonstrate by looking at the image to the left (you can click it for a larger view).

If you look at the flowchart, you will notice that leads come into the system via an ad. This could be a PPC ad or just about anything, really, just as long as it is relevant. The first box (LP) is for a landing page where you are going to give away something of value to your lead. Yes, I said give away. And I am not talking about something insignificant. You want to give away something that is really cool and significant in value compared to whatever it is you are selling. This landing page and the subsequent giveaway are designed to do two things:

  1. Get people to put in their contact information to receive it
  2. Show them that you are giving them something of value as a token of good will to eventually win their business

The OTO to the right of your landing page is not necessary, but I like to put up something right away that people can buy. I send their free report (or whatever else I or my client chooses to give) to them via email, snail mail, or they can pick up at the business, depending on the type of sales funnel we are creating. The OTO stands for One Time Offer. This is TRULY a one time offer that they can get at a tremendous discount, but only if they buy it RIGHT NOW. The entire purpose of this OTO is not to make a good sale right off the bat, but simply to recoup some of your advertising dollars.

Moving down the flowchart, you see the blue box that says “Report”. This is filling their order. In most businesses I deal with, this is a digital product that is sent via email. But we NEVER send the report as an attachment to an email. We send it as a link that they can go see. The purpose is to condition your new lead to take action on your email. you want them to get in the habit of looking for your emails and clicking on something. If you don’t get them to click for the free stuff, you are going to have a hard time getting to click for the paid stuff later. Now, in this particular report, I am going to lace the report with a few affiliate offers that make sense to purchase. If they click through from the report and buy a product from one of those offers, I get a few dollars as an affiliate commission. This is another way I use to help recoup some of the advertising dollars and the offers are well-researched, work well with my product offerings, but do not conflict with them.

After they receive the free report they signed up for, they move into a sequence of emails, always helpful and full of value. Remember, we want our new prospects to see that we are NOT like everyone else just trying to sell, sell, sell to them. By adding value to everything we send out, we are showing that we are there to help them, in good faith, and are here when they are ready to buy from us. The goal of this first sequence of posts in this particular model is to get prospects to take action, and go to the Diamond shaped (DP stands for Decision Point), where we are looking to convert them into an:

  • FC – Free Customer. This is a free trial of one of our core products. If we have not built enough value yet or the prospect is not ready to commit, we offer them a free 30 day trial to move them into a new funnel which focuses on getting them to a PC or BP.
  • PC – Paid Customer. This is someone who decides that they are ready to take action as a paid customer and buy a product. They will be moved to a different email sequence that is more customer focused and also outlines the positive points of becoming a BP.
  • BP – Business Partner. This is someone who sees the value in working with us on this particular project. Once here, they receive a different sequence which helps train and give updates for the business side of things.


So How Can Dynamic Relationship Marketing Help You?

There is no doubt in mind that anyone using dynamic relationship marketing is going to significantly increase their conversions if it is set up properly. A properly set up system works almost, and I mean REALLY CLOSE to the same effectiveness of a full time sales person sending out personalized emails. This is because every aspect of what the prospect does is capable of being tracked and the system automatically adjusts to their actions, much like a salesperson using an integrated CRM system. It is, for all intents and purposes, being able to create a system that functions like your best salesperson, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and able to take on as many new leads as you can throw at it.


You will need a few tools to perform this adequately. You could use a very bulk system (and expensive) like Infusionsoft, which requires a lot of time to set up properly, or you can do what I do and use two separate tools that make the process easier, and less expensive.

  • Email Provider: Let’s be very clear, right up front. No self-respecting marketing would EVER use their own personal email box to send marketing emails, for several reasons (click to see why). I have been using AWeber for about 8 years as of the time of this post, and have never loved a business tool provider so much.
  • Automation Provider: While AWeber has some great tools built within their system, great analytics, and some level of automation, it is not powerful enough to handle the dynamic aspects of what we are doing here. AWProTools is a service, built by marketers to automate the tasks of moving people around and tagging them so you can get the full advantage of automation. While their tools were not specifically designed for our type of advanced marketing platform, they work very well with it.
  • Website/Hosting: I am going to assume you already have a website and hosting if you are looking at automating your online marketing, but if not, contact me and we can set up hosting for your website or landing page.

Want to learn more? You can join my mailing list (pop up if you have not closed it out already or on home page of this site) and see some of my pre-built emails (not a dynamic system – just a basic training sequence) and feel free to respond to any email you receive from me with questions. If you want to discuss building a system for you (if you would rather make sure it is done right by contracting me to do it for you), call or email me (contact info at top of page).


About the Author

Damion has been a business and marketing consultant for more than 15 years. His specialties include dynamic relationship marketing, small business consulting, and business strategy. He has experience in all almost all facets of internet marketing and direct mail.